Artisanal gelato machines
Batch freezers for ice cream
From 13.900 €

Easy to use
Quick to clean
Fresh and creamy ice cream
"The taste of a good ice cream must always be able to tell the story of the person who produces it"
A modern and dynamic reality that has been operating in the sector of ice cream machines for years, INNOVA stands out for the qualified experience that underlies the design of each model.
Find out moreThe high quality of Italian production. INNOVA ice cream machines are today a point of reference in the sector for their high quality, reliability and resistance.
High level of reliability. Thanks to Plus Program - the exclusive service plan structured by INNOVA, it guarantees every need for maintenance on its machines for artisanal gelato.
The innovative A + System used by INNOVA provides for controlled management of the cold and agitation at each stage of ice cream production.
"Close to ice cream makers to support their success"
INNOVA has always been at the side of the professional ice cream maker, building ice cream machines and equipment capable of accompanying and supporting them towards the most creative and ambitious taste experiences.
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